Math/Stat Awards Banquet

FullSizeRender-2It was another glorious year in the Math/Stat department at Williams.  We celebrated its end with our annual banquet, packed with over 150 faculty and students.  As tradition, the new majors received a beverage wrench, and everyone joined in applauding the winners of this year’s awards.

Colloquium Attendance:

Mary Gong

Goldberg Prize for Best Colloquium:

Andrew Best,  Ben Hoyle

Benedict Prize for Outstanding Sophomore:

1st: David Burt,  Nina Pande,  Yuanchu Dang 

2nd: Alex Kastner,  Sarah Fleming

Witte Problem Solving Prize:

Blake Mackall

Wyskiel Award for Math Education:

Greg Ferland,  Katie Bennett

Beaver Prize for Extraordinary Contribution to the Community:

 Mary Gong

Morgan Prize for Accomplishment in Applied Mathematics:

Sam Petti

Kozelka Prize for Excellence in Statistics:

Nate McCue

Rosenburg prize for Excellence in Mathematics:

Jesse Freeman,  Issac Loh