The centennial summer meeting (“MathFest“) of the Mathematical Association of America, August 5-8, 2015, in Washington DC, featured Hedrick Lectures on “Algebra Over Finite Fields” by Karen Smith, Centennial Lectures by Erik Demaine, Jennifer Chayes, Ingrid Daubechies, Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Karen Parshall, and Manjul Bhargava, and other invited lectures by Jeffrey Lagarias, David Bressoud, Erica Walker, Joseph Gallian, Noam Elkies, and Terrence Blackman. SMALL undergraduate research students Mia Smith (Williams) and Nat Mayer on won an excellent student talk award, and Matt Dannenberg placed fifth in the student mathematics competition. Alum Andrew Beverige won an Allendoerfer Award.
Presentations by Williams/SMALL folks included the following:
Colin Adams | Panel 11: Congratulations on Getting Tenure! Now What? | Wednesday, August 5 | 4:10-5:30 | Washington 6 |
Colin Adams | Cirque de Mathematiques | Wednesday, August 5 | 7-9 pm | Salon 2/3 |
Frank Morgan | What’s It Like to Be Editor–in–Chief of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society? | Thursday, August 6 | 8:15-8:25 am | Maryland B |
Frank Morgan | Albert’s Bridge: A Tragicomedy by Tom Stoppard | Friday, August 7 | 9-10 pm | Salon 2/3 |
David Schwein and Nina Pande | A Metric for Local Rings | Thursday, August 6 | 9:50-10:05 am | Virginia A |
Lena Ji, Sarah Fleming, and Peter McDonald | The Relationship Between a Local Ring and its Completion | Thursday, August 6 | 10:10-10:25 am | Virginia A |
Nathaniel Mayer and Mia Smith | When is a Knot Hyperbolic? | Thursday, August 6 | 3:20–3:35 pm | Virginia B |
Xinyi Jiang, Alex Kastner, and Greg Kehne | Totally Geodesic Surfaces in Hyperbolic Knot Complements | Thursday, August 6 | 3:40-3:55 pm. | Virginia B |
Aaron Calderon | Surfaces in Hyperbolic Knot Complements | Friday, August 7 | 10:10-10:25 am | Delaware B |
John Berry | Optimal Pentagonal Tilings | Thursday, August 6 | 4:00pm | Virginia B |
Jason Liang | The Double Gaussian Isoperimetric Problem | Thursday, August 6 | 4:20pm | Virginia B |
Yingyi Zeng | Relaxed Disk Packings | Thursday, August 6 | 5:00pm | Virginia B |
Matthew Dannenberg | The Convex Body Isoperimetric Conjecture | Thursday, August 6 | 5:20pm | Virginia B |
N/A | MAA Ice Cream Social and Undergraduate Awards Ceremony | Saturday, August 8 | 12:30-2 pm | Salon 3 |