First AMS student chapter at an undergraduate institution

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is one of the largest associations of mathematicians in the world, fostering scholarship and research. They have supported student chapters at various graduate level institutions. This fall, however, the newly formed AMS Williams Student Chapter became officially recognized as the first student chapter at an undergraduate institution. As part of this distinction, they received $500 from the AMS to support student chapter activities.

At the first meeting this fall, four officials were unanimously elected: Roger Vargas (President), Gabriel Ngwe (Vice President), Xixi Edelsbrunner (Treasurer), and David Moon (Secretary). From these positions, they have successfully organized many events this fall including biweekly meetings aimed at GRE prep and math puzzles. In addition they planned a special event called Lightning Talks where students presented short (5-10 min) talks on their own research or other topics of interest. The next big event – the Putnam Prep Pizza Rally – will be on Tuesday, December 1st in collaboration with SMASAB and will include free pizza from Hot Tomatoes. This event is to help Williams students prepare for the upcoming nationwide Putnam Math Competition, which will be held on Saturday, December 5th at 9:45 AM in Griffin 3. Everyone is welcome to participate. We hope to see you at future AMS activities.

Xixi Edelsbrunner giving a talk on her research in knot theory during the Lightning Talk event organized by the AMS student chapter.
Xixi Edelsbrunner giving a talk on their research in knot theory during the Lightning Talk event organized by the AMS student chapter.

Update: The Putnam Prep Pizza Rally was a big success. Here are a few pictures from the event.

Putnam and Pizza
Putnam and Pizza
Professor Silva on the left joined the fun.
Professor Silva on the left joined the fun.
Professor Morgan joined in.
Professor Morgan also made an appearance.