July 5-9, MathPath at Mt Holyoke College, “Metric Spaces” [talk 997], student paper
July 9, MathPath at Mt Holyoke College, “Do Soap Bubbles Have the Best Possible Shape?”
July 14-24, ACBL Bridge Nationals, Providence
July 29, William Allen HS 50th Reunion [missed]
Sept 27, Partnered with the most famous bridge player in the world, Zia Mahmood , in the monthly NewTricks tournament. On Sept 29 I played a challenge against Peter Crouch .
Oct 14-16, David Johnson retirement geometry conference , Lehigh University, “Isoperimetric theorems from David Johnson until now” (2pm Oct 14)
Nov 18, Williams College, “The Triple Soap Bubble” [talk 1000]
Nov 19, Dedication of Frank Morgan Library
Nov 24-Dec 4, ACBL Bridge Nationals, Phoenix
March 9-19, ACBL Bridge Nationals, New Orleans
April 5, Penn State Geometry Lunch Seminar , “Triple and Quadruple Soap Bubbles” Video
July 13-23, ACBL Bridge Nationals, Chicago
Sept 15, 2pm ET, University of Illinois, Springfield, Mathematics Colloquium , “The Triple and Quadruple Soap Bubbles,” video . Hosted by Yifei Li.
Nov 23—Dec 3, ACBL Bridge Nationals, Atlanta
March 14-24, ACBL Bridge Nationals, Louisville