Upcoming Events
Information for Williams Students
AWM Alumni Panel Tuesday, March 16th 7:30 PM EST
The Association for Women in Mathematics is holding an alumni panel on Tuesday, March 16th at 7:30 PM EST. Join us for an opportunity to hear and ask about what the following panelists have been up to after graduating from Williams! Kathryn Lindsey ’07: Assistant Professor at Boston College with a PhD from CornellNina Pande … Continue reading “AWM Alumni Panel Tuesday, March 16th 7:30 PM EST”
Speed Friending with the Math/Stat Department! March 3rd, 2021 at 7pm
Make new friends as you discuss whether water is wet and other fun topics! This event is on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7 pm EST at this Zoom link: https://williams.zoom.us/j/96587337399 Check out the attached flyer! SMASAB Speed Friending 03_07_2021
AWM Spring Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, March 2nd 7:30 PM EST
Come join the Association for Women in Mathematics for our Spring Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, March 2nd at 7:30 PM! We will have an informal chat about our math/stat spring classes so far, and we encourage anyone taking one of these courses to come join us! Please join us through this Zoom link: https://williams.zoom.us/j/93660031730?pwd=ZGZoTFpLOFB4OFl2MW9laTRmeG5Jdz09 See flyer … Continue reading “AWM Spring Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, March 2nd 7:30 PM EST”
Math/Stat News
AWM Talk: Introduction to Metric Geometry and Dimension Theory, Nov. 13, 7pm-8pm, Physics 205
AWM Talk: Introduction to Metric Geometry and Dimension Theory, Liza Jacoby ’22, at UC Berkeley Wednesday, Nov. 13, 7pm-8pm, Physics 205 The Association for Women in Math will be hosting our very own Liza Jacoby (’22) on Wednesday (11/13) at 7pm in Physics 205! Liza will be giving a talk titled Introduction to Metric Geometry and Dimension Theory as well as answering questions about math … Continue reading “AWM Talk: Introduction to Metric Geometry and Dimension Theory, Nov. 13, 7pm-8pm, Physics 205”
More →AWM Pre-Registration Social, Wednesday 10/30 7pm
Join the Association for Women in Math (AWM) for a pre-registration social on Wednesday (10/30) at 7pm in the Math/Stat Library! Come by to get advice about courses in the spring, chat with fellow students, and eat donuts!
More →SMASAB Tea, Fridays 3pm
Join us for a relaxing and fun Friday Tea organized by SMASAB on Fridays at 3:00 PM in the Frank Morgan Library! Tea and snacks will be provided, so come by, grab a treat, and enjoy some good conversation with others in the Williams math community. Whether you’re looking to chat about math or just want to hang out, everyone is welcome! … Continue reading “SMASAB Tea, Fridays 3pm”
More →Math/Stat Snacks, Thursdays 8pm
We’re excited to invite you to Math/Stat snacks every Thursday in the Frank Morgan Library at 8pm! Come by to take a break from your studying and enjoy some cookies, chips, and fruit with fellow students. We hope to see you there!
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