In a hard-fought match, Williams defeated Middlebury in the annual Green Chicken mathematics competition, winning 125 to 118, thanks to a large degree to a deep bench with first years who stepped up when needed. Top scorer was Jared Hallett ’13, followed by Samantha Petti ’15 and then first years Jack Bequeaith and Sam Donow tying for third, under the leadership of Coach Steven Miller. The questions and solutions are online.
The infamous William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition returns Saturday, December 1, 9:45 am – 6 pm. If you think there’s any chance you might like to give it a whirl, contact Prof. Miller. Last year the Williams team (Carlos Dominguez, Jared Hallett, and Liyang Zhang) placed in the top ten and received an Honorable Mention out of 460 teams from 572 participating colleges and universities. Account in Williams Record. Check out the problems and solutions. President Falk won honorable mention on the 1985 Putnam Exam, the same year that Martin Hildebrand ’86 scored in the (unranked) top five. (See Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), 620-626.)