AIM and the Math Circle Network will be hosting a Story Hour next Thursday, September 23, from 4 to 5 p.m. Pacific time, as part of the unCommission national storytelling project (see
The project, organized by our partner organization 100Kin10, is bringing together hundreds of young people aged 13-29 across the country to share their personal experiences and stories about science, engineering, technology, and math. The purpose is to help lawmakers and decision-makers learn about some of the successes, challenges, and inequities in STEM education by listening directly to young people in order to identify a set of goals with the power to improve STEM education.
During the Story Hour, we will guide storytellers through the process of sharing their story. Storytellers will be able to choose from video, audio, or written formats to submit their story, and will also be able to choose the level of anonymity and privacy for their story. (*Note that for storytellers aged 13-17, parental/guardian consent is required and will be collected at the beginning of the session.). Each person who submits a story will receive $25 plus a gift valued at $25 as a thank-you for their participation.
Please consider sharing this opportunity with students and others in your network aged 13-29. Register here to participate.