2021: Eva Goedhart (Diophantine Problems), Steven Miller (Number Theory and Probability, joint with Eyvi Palsson and Charles Wolf), Ralph Morrison (Chip Firing)
2020: Colin Adams (Knot Theory), Josh Carlson (Graph Theory), Steven Miller (Number Theory and Probability, joint with Eyvi Palsson and Sean Sovine), Ralph Morrison (Tropical Geometry)
2019: Tom Garrity (Continued Fractions), Susan Loepp (Commutative Algebra), Steven Miller (Number Theory and Probability), Cesar Silva (Ergodic Theory)
2018: Colin Adams (Knot Theory), Julie Blackwood (Mathematical Biology), Steven Miller (Number Theory and Probability, with Seoyoung Kim and Jesse Thorner), Cesar Silva (Ergodic Theory), Mihai Stoiciu (Mathematical Physics)